Hana Augustine's profile

Mental health day 2020

Wasn’t planning to draw this, but i just knew it’s world’s mental health day, so i felt eager to draw something because the issue is quite near to us.. 

Im sorry that the system of the world, the culture, the status quo do not support and embrace mental and psychological needs.. im sorry that the systems make it hard for humans to understand one another on this deep level.

Im sorry that motivators and religiousity create hypocrites who say, “don’t pity yourself,” “you must not be weak,” “you should move forward,” “others are unluckier than you,” and create bigots who say, “it is faithless and even sinful to seek medications,” “your anger makes you unholy,” “you should remain composed and control youself,” “this too shall pass.” 

Im sorry that instead of compassion, what you get is judgement. Instead of care, what you get is contempt. Instead of help, what you get is a rope thrown down at you and be left alone in that dark hole. 
@gratimocious says that it is beyond one’s sense to say that those words can be ignored, especially when they’re said by those who say care for you, and in fact have never known you. 

Our psychologist says that, The brokenness of our soul and the messiness of it come from broken relationship as a child - with parents. (I want to get deeper to this next time). And Henry Nouwen said that as we grow older, whether we realize it or not, whether one denies it or not, the one thing our soul longs for is the answer to the question, “Am i loved?”
There are so much more to this. Even i cant fully understand this yet. But one thing that processes us into healing is to remember that the first thing to mend in our soul is our belovedness, and what a joy when you have a company to be in your brokenness and love you despite it all.
Mental health day 2020


Mental health day 2020
